With the arrival of social media platforms, such as Instagram, and other advances in technology, native advertising has evolved to become one of the most versatile and powerful ads around. Many of you may think of native ads as intrusive (and oftentimes, deceptive) click-bait; however, this is far from the case today. Brands ranging from Nike to Beats by Dre to Patagonia are taking native advertising to new heights.
So, What Are Native Ads?
Digital native ads intuitively fit both the form and function of the environment they’re in—be it a web page or an app. This means native ads can come in many different shapes and are incorporated into the content a user is seeing. This helps brands reach and engage audiences in a more approachable fashion.
Why Native Ads?
By being more subtle than banners or pop-up videos, native ads blend into the aesthetic of the user experience. In 2019 alone, native ad spend is expected to rise to $44 billion—and for good reason. They are one of the most effective ad types because users are more likely to be engaged and interact with the ad content.
Consumers expect seamless, personalized experiences, which makes native ads a powerful go-to for any marketer wanting to drive both awareness and conversion. Native ads can have up to 4x higher CTR than non-native ads! With the rise of consumer expectations on personalized experiences, and an increase in time spent on mobile apps, the future of digital advertising will be native.
AdRoll makes native ads easy.
With AdRoll, you can quickly create static or dynamic native ads for your favorite channels. Here are three easy steps for getting your native ads strategy off the ground today:
1. Set Strategic Goals: The key to any successful marketing plan is understanding the objectives of the campaign. Is the aim to increase brand awareness, drive engagement, or perhaps conversions at the bottom of your funnel? Also imperative to this strategy is understanding which customers you are targeting and why.
2. Campaign Creation: Once you have a strategy in place, you’re now ready to optimize your ad campaigns. Start with understanding the budget allocation and time-frame. With these in mind, generate your ad content. The main benefit of native ads are that they are ads that don’t seem like ads- so keep it simple and personal. Then, as long as the ads are branded, your ads are ready.
3. Launch and Iterate: Now that your campaign ads are ready, determine which channels will be best for your target segments. AdRoll can take the reins from there! Once you have the results of your initial native ads, see how the customers have reacted through your AdRoll dashboard. Tweak and iterate until you are reaching your initial goals!
Now that you know how to create powerful ads, get started with native ads. Learn more about native advertising best practices in this help center article.
Last updated on January 12th, 2024.