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5 Elements Every Insurance Ad Campaign Needs

Kelly Hogan

Sr. Revenue Marketing Manager

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The world of marketing insurance is highly competitive, with a variety of brands vying for the attention of the same audiences. How do you stand out from the rest? By focusing on your advertising strategy, you can quickly learn and adapt your approach to build a foundation for an entire marketing strategy that returns. Here are five elements every insurance company should have in their advertising campaigns to succeed.

1. Seasonal Relevance

Seasonality isn’t a new concept when it comes to advertising and marketing trends, but how does that translate into an advertising strategy and campaign? Seasonality can be leveraged not only when you run ads but where, how often, and what creative is used. An example of this might be a holiday campaign or a campaign targeting recreational vehicle owners as the summer season starts.

When you partner with an ads provider that has worked with insurance companies in the past, you’ll benefit from their years of experience. Working with an AdRoll pro allows you to tap into expertise on all things insurance seasonality. From adjusting seasonal creative to advising on budget adjustments throughout the most popular times of the year, AdRoll experts can help design a seasonal strategy that can be successfully repeated year after year.

2. Eye-Catching, Branded Creative

In a competitive market, you need to be memorable. Ad creativity is one way that your customers can pick you out among the rest. Here are two reasons why investing in branded unique creative is necessary.

1. It grabs their attention

Creative is likely the first thing your customers see, and they will associate it with your brand moving forward. Grab their attention with unique, branded creative that clearly demonstrates your CTA. 

2. It sets the tone

The creative sets the tone for the entire campaign. Whether you choose to be funny, serious, or even aspirational, make sure it’s on brand and consistent everywhere campaign creative lives. Inconsistencies in tone or CTA can cause distrust and confusion from your customers.

When you work with AdRoll to launch your ad campaign, you can enjoy our free creative services. Our team will work with you to create campaign creative that seamlessly blends with your current ads and furthers your success.

3. Trust and Credibility

Purchasing insurance can be a confusing and stressful experience for many, so establishing trust and credibility in your marketing and advertising is key. Consistency in branding and messaging, with the support of an expert, helps you build trust with current and potential customers. Inconsistent messaging and branding creates confusion on a variety of levels.

4. Compliance

The laws and regulations around advertising insurance services can feel a bit daunting. When it comes to remaining within compliance, an expert is your guide. This is where AdRoll can easily lend a hand in ensuring brand safety by remaining compliant. We work with you to keep your brand safe.

5. A Trusted Ads Partner

Working with AdRoll allows you to tap into our years of experience in advertising, BidIQ, and Managed Services, in addition to our Creative Services. If you want to strengthen your insurance company’s marketing, learn more about getting started with AdRoll today.

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