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Fix Shopify Mistakes: A Comprehensive List of Help Resources

Lindsay Duggan Martinez

Principal Partner Marketing Manager @ AdRoll

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Even Shopify gurus have room for improvement. Perhaps tinkering with your checkout process can help reduce your cart abandonment rates, or maybe revamping your product descriptions will increase sales. Trust us: No matter how successful your store is, there will always be an opportunity to better attract, engage, delight, and convert shoppers. 

Though optimizing your Shopify site is a fun challenge, it’s not exactly easy either, especially if you feel lost when it comes to diagnosing your store’s problems. (Hey, that’s why we created a guide to help: Check out these common Shopify merchant mistakes, complete with simple fixes.)

After identifying areas for improvement, taking the time to transform your Shopify mistakes into new opportunities is a resource-intensive — and potentially discouraging — task. Shopify offers numerous resources, third-party partners, and support channels to help, though. 

That’s one of the many reasons why they’re the preferred ecommerce platform for thousands of small and medium-sized businesses. Even if you’re a marketing and ecommerce novice, Shopify provides the tools you need to find the answers, inspiration, and support you need to power through every obstacle. 

If you’re short on time, browse our guide on all the ways to get help and support for your Shopify store. Make sure to bookmark this page, so you can come back to it whenever a new challenge pops up.

Remember: Running a successful Shopify store is no easy feat, especially if you embark on the challenge alone. That’s why more than 30,000 brands use AdRoll to power their marketing efforts, from retargeting ads to drip emails campaigns. Explore how we can help you achieve your Shopify goals now.

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